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Discrete Semiconductor Products
Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - Single

Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - Single

AMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorAMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor
TIP115TUTIP115TUAMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeschrijving:TRANS PNP DARL 60V 2A TO-220
2N4410_D26Z2N4410_D26ZAMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 80V 0.2A TO-92
2N5210TA2N5210TAAMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 50V 0.1A TO-92
MPS6515_D26ZMPS6515_D26ZAMI Semiconductor / ON SemiconductorBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 25V 0.2A TO-92
JAN2N3792JAN2N3792MicrosemiBeschrijving:TRANS PNP 80V 10A TO-3
JANTX2N5003JANTX2N5003MicrosemiBeschrijving:TRANS PNP 80V 5A TO59
JANTXV2N5672JANTXV2N5672MicrosemiBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 120V 30A TO-3
JAN2N4261JAN2N4261MicrosemiBeschrijving:TRANS PNP 15V 0.03A TO-72
Toshiba Semiconductor and StorageToshiba Semiconductor and Storage
2SC3326-A,LF2SC3326-A,LFToshiba Semiconductor and StorageBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 20V 0.3A S-MINI
2SA1680,T6ASTIF(J2SA1680,T6ASTIF(JToshiba Semiconductor and StorageBeschrijving:TRANS PNP 2A 50V TO226-3
2SC2235-Y(DNSO,AF)2SC2235-Y(DNSO,AF)Toshiba Semiconductor and StorageBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 800MA 120V TO226-3
2SC2229-Y(MIT,F,M)2SC2229-Y(MIT,F,M)Toshiba Semiconductor and StorageBeschrijving:TRANS NPN 50MA 150V TO226-3